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Dr. Samuel Ticha

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Presence Professor of Practice

Board & Executive Advisory

Transformational Performance Coach

Doctoral Degreed Chief Learning Officer

DISSERTATION: Board Presence

LANGUAGES: English, French


DELIVERY: Face-to-face and virtual



TRAVEL: Globally


Samuel Ticha, Founder & President of Mindfulead LLC, is passionate about enhancing the wholistic individual, team, board and organizational development towards predetermined performance SMART goals.
Wholistic business transformational enhancements are usually focused on the entire organizational value chain with emphasis on the optimal business model that will deliver the most performance outcomes with the least investment.
Delivery ranges from executive coaching, turnaround management consulting, facilitation, speaking but also project, product and change management, organizational development to custom adult learning design and delivery solutions

Samuel has a network in 133 countries on all continents. He is an Global Hall of Fame Member for mentoring and coaching. He is a Junior Chamber International Senator since 2003.
Samuel’s network continues to grow through being a presence professor of practice and a digital transformation professor of practice in Ivey League universities.
Samuel’s approach to learning (including coaching and consulting approach) consists of assessing, designing, implementing, and evaluating each engagement in accordance with the learning style of the client (individual, team, board, or organization). Samuel has over 7000 one-on-one executive coaching hours, over 10,000 hours of speaking, consulting facilitating teams, boards, and groups.

Initial clients were mostly startup entrepreneurs (mostly members of Junior Chamber International), MBA students and recent graduates from 133 countries. Nowadays, clients include mostly conscious entrepreneurs, universities, private and public organizations, and most engagements focus on coaching and facilitation of either the C-suite or board of directors or executive certificate programs for C-suite executives in top universities.


· Executive & Multidisciplinary Doctorate, EdD, Chief Learning Officer Emphasis, Board Presence Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2020

· Executive & Multidisciplinary Masters, MSEd, Chief Learning Officer Emphasis, Leader-Follower Presence Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2017

· Professional Postgraduate Diploma, Marketing, C
hartered Institute of Marketing, UK


  • NACD (National Association of Corporate Directors) Board Leadership Fellow®
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  • Project Management Professional (PMP)®
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  • Certified Management Consultant™(CMC)® (inactive)
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  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)®
    Master Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner
  • Prime Coach
    Master Certified Coach™ (MCC) in progress
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  • ICF Professional Certified Coach™ (PCC)
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  • Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM)
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  • Chartered Marketer® (inactive)
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  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)®
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  • Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM)
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  • Mind-Body Medicine Personal Practice Certificate
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  • MBTI® (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) Step I and Step II, MBTI® Master Practitioner & MBTI® Step III Practitioner (One of only 5 worldwide)
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  •  Junior Chamber International (JCI) Prime Coach, Certified Local Trainer (CLT) Certified National Trainer (CNT)
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  •  JCI Senator
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  • Marshall Goldsmith Global Leadership Assessment, 360 Practitioner
    Wharton 360
    PMAI (The Story We Tell Ourselves in The Present Moment Assessment) Certification
    Eckhart Tolle Teacher of Presence Certification (Pioneer Class)
    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Certification
    Theatre and Voice Training Certification, LESSAC
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As an interim Chief Learning Officer and one of the only handful worldwide that is systematically trained, I focus on the wholistic enhancement of performance through individual, team, board, and organizational lifelong learning outcomes to include the following:

· Executive Presence with emphasis on Board Dynamics, 
Organizational Dynamics, Team Dynamics, & Leader-Follower Dynamics leading to Transformations like Fulfilled High-Performance 

· Team Performance with emphasis on Tact Teams & Masterminds

· Board Transformational Leadership

· Wholistic Organizational Transformation involving the entire value chain with emphasis on the business model that requires the least investment but with the most performance outcomes – this always involves coaching and facilitation. Project management, product management, change management, leadership transitions, diversity of thought (including #MeToo, diversity equity, inclusion), at various levels.


· Mindfulead LLC (2010-Preent), Founder, President & Interim Chief Learning Officer, USA & Africa

· AIESEC National President; President, African Congress; Global Hall of Fame (1988-2003) · national Chief Financial Officer, 2000-2002


· Part Time E-facilitator, Digital Business Transformation, Cornell University (August 2023-Present)

· Current coaching individual Chief Information Officers managing over $1 Billion total in annual budgets combined. Here is what one of them, a current CIO wrote as a reference to me last July:

"Dr. Ticha has effective executive coaching and governance insights that has been extremely valuable to me for my board duties. Dr. Ticha also has a wealth of information, techniques, assessments, academic and coaching credentials and a balanced approach to improving my executive presence and ability to become an effective board member. Dr. Ticha's personal story and learning facilitation have also been very valuable to me."Abby.

More praise from my students, colleagues, coachees and partners at

· Executive Coach for MBA and Executive MBA mostly from Big Four consulting firms, executive students (mostly CFOs, CHRO, CIOs and CTOs), Wharton (2021-2023), USA

· Professor Human Resources coached and supervised eight Master of Science in human resources to complete their thesis, on topics related to #MeTo, Mercy University, (2018-2019), USA

· External Director, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Committee, City of College Park, USA

· Executive team, real estate company, Greenbelt MD

· High-potential executives in various IT startups

· Individual board c-suite executives in up to Fortune 7 as well as global non-profits (AIESEC, JCI, Toastmasters), and local and national governments. Notably, a global board dynamics partnership between AIESEC and JCI that led to becoming a JCI senator and AIESEC Global Hall of Fame

· Cultural transition coaching for thousands of fellowships or internships involving recent graduates of 10 0000 + campuses, 133 countries on all continents.

· Various confidential sub-contractor assignments especially relating to board dynamics coaching.

· Board retreats involving various assessments like the MBTI, Hogan, and various 360s

· Transformational coaching for microfinance refinance groups in Cameroon to start and grow businesses.

· Troubleshooting the facilitation of assessments like the MBTI as well as coaching assignments for fellow upcoming coaches

· Up to One-week retreats involving the transformation of dysfunctional teams to high-performance teams with an overriding commitment to presence-centered high performance.

· Coaching and training various students taking the PMP (Project Management Professional) exams.

· Coaching and facilitation for the planning and execution of various projects on contract

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2010-2024 Dr. Samuel Ticha

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